We are updating our systems to the latest code versions. With this update comes significant backend changes, and while we tested as much of the functionally as we could, there could be areas we missed due to all the perumentations and functionality we offer. For more informaiton visit our Facebook page. We do not expect any issues with data, but we expect a issue or two may be found with site functionality and if found please report to help@slowpitchstats.com.
Upcoming Games (next 7 days):
Whos Playing:
2010 1/28/2010
Ok here is a rough outline of 2010. I think we are gonna have enough guys to play two different nights, the main team will play monday nights, we will likely start in Jeffco, then move to Denver, I am hoping that since Denver starts so late that we will be able to get in 4 leagues. This team will also likely play in the tournament we played in last year. Their will not be stealing this year, but their is free beer and actual ranking points this year. The second team will likely be playing Thursday or Friday nights in Hyland Hills.